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How safe do/did you feel growing up?

Initial results from a survey on psychological safety and mental wellbeing indicate that the biggest fears of Neurodivergent, LGBTQIA+, and Disabled children – and especially those who also belong to cultural minorities, relate to classmates, parents, and teachers. 97% indicate often or always having anxiety, and 80% indicate often or always feeling depressed. We are committed to gathering further data from as many geographies as possible. The data and lived experience reports will flow into our education courses for teachers, and will inform our advocacy work.

Trust in Human Scale

Autistic ways of being are part of a culture that deserves the same respect as any other culture. The key element that holds together all the threads, which has been systematically eroded in Westernised societies: the notion of trust, including the role of trustworthy, sacred relationships within the context of ecologies of care beyond the human. If, as a species, we have one responsibility within the planetary ecosystem, it is to recognise that it is time to set the record straight on the toxicity of a culture that normalises and even celebrates competitive and deceptive behaviour.

How unsafe do Autistic and intersectionally marginalised people feel in your presence?

The biggest fears of Neurodivergent, LGBTQIA+ and Disabled people relate to unmet healthcare needs, their work environment, their parents, and disrespect by healthcare professionals. Data from our participatory research shows the large overlap and the intersectionality between Autistic communities, and the LGBTQIA+ and Disabled communities.

Understanding power and de-powering

The normalisation of social power gradients and powered-up relationships is the terminal disease that plagues all empires. Since we live in the context of the convulsions of dying empires, it is important to understand the cultural dynamics that are unfolding.

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A woman is walking through a field. She has her hand on her hair and the sun is casting a golden hue on the tall grass

Poetry: I Must Not Walk On

A poem on the labouring journey in the unsteady steps of an autistic person who cannot feel the ground beneath her feet.

When Autism and Grief Collide

This beautiful and touching article explores grief through an autistic lens and how autistic people experience grief differently.

A woman is walking through a field. She has her hand on her hair and the sun is casting a golden hue on the tall grass

Poetry: I Must Not Walk On

A poem on the labouring journey in the unsteady steps of an autistic person who cannot feel the ground beneath her feet.

When Autism and Grief Collide

This beautiful and touching article explores grief through an autistic lens and how autistic people experience grief differently.

Questioning if you could be autistic or otherwise neurodivergent?

We compiled a directory of specialists trained to diagnose autism in adults, organized by city.

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