Day of Kindness April 1, 2020: How To Get Involved

On April 1, 2020, NeuroClastic, Inc. is joining with advocates across the globe to capture Our Golden Moment by asking autistics, neurodivergents, and allies to do something #RedInstead and participate in a Day of Kindness.

What is the Day of Kindness?

As system disruptors, we are turning the prank on April Fool’s Day. First, we are going to claim the day as the Day of Kindness! April begins Autism Awareness Month, which is typically centered around the notion of charity for people “with autism” and their parents. Instead, we are claiming Autistic Acceptance month, and 4/1 is to demonstrate that we are charitable, not charity cases, and that we contribute positively to the world.

Then, we are going to mobilize to show the world the beauty in the spectrum. While most people are gathering saran wrap and toilet paper, we will be gathering kind words, acts, and deeds on the Day of Kindness.

So who can join the Day of Kindness?

It’s quite kind of you to ask, in fact!


Literally, everyone. All you need to do is engage in acts of kindness on that day. These do not need to be major, and they don’t need to put you in a position where you give more than you’re able. In fact, there are lots of ideas that cost nothing or nearly-nothing outside of a few minutes of your time.

For example, on the Day of Kindness, you can…

Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in the drive-thru 

Give someone a non-appearance based compliment

Leave a quarter in a parking meter or Aldi grocery cart

Write positive messages on the sidewalk in colorful chalk

image suggesting to write positive messages on the sidewalk
What would you write?

But remember, love don’t cost a thing!

Leave a positive online review of a small business you enjoy, I.e. Yelp or Etsy

Collect and properly dispose of litter

Let the person behind you in line go ahead of you

If you have a house mailbox, leave a thank you note for the mail carrier

Say I love you, to yourself or someone else

an image suggesting to say I love you, to yourself or someone else.

Support someone’s smile!

Make care kits for those experiencing displacement that includes needed items, I.e. sanitary pads, socks, and non-perishable foods

Send a birthday gift to somebody in need

Volunteer in experiences that bring you joy such as the animal shelter, mentoring a child, or doing lawn care

Compliment at least two people

an image suggesting to compliment at least two people a day

For example, you can get creative:

Buy from a new and struggling artist or business

Paint and leave a kindness rock

Reach out to someone you know, or don’t know, whom you haven’t talked to in a while or you know needs support.

Make a supportive comment and let someone know you’re there if they need you.


Even more suggestions?

Leave a long and thoughtful comment on an author’s blog that seems to not have gotten enough attention.

Donate to a charity that is run by members of the marginalized group it helps.

Leave someone a tip through their Ko-Fi/buy me a coffee link

  • ko-fi symbolMany articles at NeuroClastic have Ko-Fi links! It’s a fantastic way to support a neurodivergent author!

Leave a wrapped gift with a handmade surprise in a public place and address it to “the person who needs a gift”

Write a letter to an autistic kid or teen

an image suggest to write a letter to an autistic kid or teen
What would you say to the younger version of yourself?

But wait, there’s more!

Fix extra for your meal or order double at lunch and give it to someone who would appreciate it

Wear a piece of jewelry that you plan to give to the first person who compliments it 

An image suggesting to give a piece of jewelry to someone who compliments it

Send a gift or card for a teacher/custodian/lunch server/teacher’s aid who has been kind to your child

Leave a five-dollar bill or hand-made bookmark in a library book


Whatever you do, have fun! I’ll be posting #RedInstead on 4/1 and #OurGoldenMoment on 4/2. See you there!

Want to take part in Our Golden Moment?

Read this letter from The Autistic Wolf!

It’s at last time to stand out together, please. Every voice will be heard above the noise when we stand on the cliff and howl together. Even our non-speaking community members will be heard equally in this format.

In addition, if you want to join us, click “join us” on this website:

As the day draws closer, this content will be first posted in the form of coming out or alliance statements. Additionally, you can write your own.

If you are a business owner or advocate and also want to commit as a listed partner, see this page:

Finally, you can find promotional graphics for use here:

In conclusion, if you’re any form of neurodivergent or ally, join us.

No great change happened until there was some form of disruption. This is our chance.

Firstly, we’ll keep April as autistic acceptance month over autism awareness month, choosing to tag #AutisticGold and #RedInstead. It will also be a month of celebrating autistic pride, platforming autistic perspectives, and claiming the narrative about the autistic experience for ourselves.

I hope to see all of you there!

With love,

The Autistic Wolf

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3 Responses

  1. “the price of freedom is high, but it’s a price that I am willing to pay, if I’m the only one here who is,then so be it, but I am willing to bet that I’m not”

  2. You made me realize something I have neglected.. And that is encouraging non neueodivergent people to accept help and encouragement from the autistic community. Realizing too many have this pride thing going of ” I give help I don’t need help from you.” Or they limit what kind of help being accepted.

    1. I really resonate with this! Have you read or listened to The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer? It’s been transformative!

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