
Poetry: Letter by Letter

Nonspeaking youth Rumi Ottus spells out a striking poem about the life unlocked by having access to communicate via letterboard.

Sienna, the author of the piece, has long, curly, dark brown hair and is wearing headphones. She stands in front of an orange background

A Letter to Autistic Teens

Sienna is a young Autistic adult writing to Autistic teens. In this beautiful letter, Sienna encourages teens to understand and embrace themselves unapologetically.

Life with Autism, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Cats

After surviving a war zone in Saudi Arabia and Beirut and returning to the US, David Chin found himself face down in a puddle in a grocery store parking lot, screaming “AIR RAID!” when he heard thunder. He was diagnosed with PTSD and told to get a pet.

A Letter to Black and Indigenous Autistic Teens

Wolfheart Sanchez is Black and Native American, and he writes a letter to Autistic teens about how the lack of representation is harmful, but they can build the community they need to feel less alone.

A Letter to Autistic Teens: Know What You Deserve

Jude Olubodun pens a powerful letter to autistic teens validating that they deserve respect, boundaries, bodily autonomy, and love in a society that is inherently harmful for those who are different.

Autism and Christmas

Autistic researcher Emma Reardon discusses reasons autistic people may be overwhelmed by the holiday season and how you can better understand and accommodate your autistic loved ones.

How to Deal with Workplace Bullying

David Chin is an autistic elder who has experienced bullying in multiple contexts over the span of decades. His experience taught him how to advocate effectively against workplace bullying.

Poetry: Cosmic Archaeologist

Cosmic Archaeologist is a poem of traumatic brain Memories and the tireless Work of the Silent Muse.

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