Search Results for: covid – Page 3

Active disablement of minorities

…constitutional transformation which they sought. A Taiwanese perspective Excerpt from We see democracy itself as a technology (2020): What are the central elements of your present COVID-19 strategy? We have…

Autism and Quarantine

…well in quarantine and isolation, but it’s causing distress and suffering for many. Here’s how to support autistic loved ones through this international pandemic of COVID 19, or corona virus….

Autism and Christmas

…have the added impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic that is likely to affect how we celebrate and prepare for the social side of Christmas. Even for those who don’t…

What I Wish Neurotypicals Knew About Meltdowns

…but once I come home, I’m dead to the world. 3.) My own plethora of everyday anxieties, the kind most people juggle: financial worries, worries about getting COVID, worries about…

Religious Trauma and A Tale of Two “Isms”

…haven’t been to Mass in a long time, first because of the COVID-19 pandemic and then because the Church’s stance on the 2020 American presidential election just… disgusted me. It…

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